Titel Bild


The Munich Society for Climate Protection offers a range of services to support businesses in achieving climate goals and meeting legal requirements on the field of corporate sustainability.

CO2 Bilanz

Carbon footprint

We calculate your company's CO2 emissions, as well as the emissions of your products and buildings, easily and accurately in accordance with the GHG Protocol.


Sustainability strategy

We assist you in creating a comprehensive climate or sustainability strategy.


Sustainability Report

We prepare your company for the new reporting requirements and assist you in creating sustainability reports in accordance to several standards (ESRS, GRI, & DNK).



Climate pass

The climate pass goes beyond traditional certification by making your company's climate protection efforts more transparent, standardised, and effective in terms of communication.

EU Taxonomie


We support you in capturing your economic activities all the way through to the publication of taxonomy quotas.


Supply Chains

We are developing a sector-specific system to comply with the Supply Chain Obligations Act. 



Workshops and Web-Seminars

In customized workshops, we impart current knowledge on sustainability, preparing your staff and management for future developments.


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