
EU Taxonomy

The objective of the EU Taxonomy

Through the EU Taxonomy, companies and financial market participants have certain disclosure obligations. The aim is to harmonize the content of companies' sustainability reports so that investors have reliable and comparable data available to mobilize the capital needed for ecological transformation. Key points of the EU Taxonomy:

  • The EU Green Deal aims to be climate-neutral by 2050
  • To achieve this goal, comprehensive investments are necessary, which cannot be borne by the EU alone, hence financial flows within the EU should be increasingly directed towards sustainable companies
  • The EU Taxonomy is intended to help investors assess which economic activities of companies can be considered "sustainable."


Who is affected?

In addition to financial participants offering financial products in the EU and, to some extent, the Member States, all companies falling under the CSRD are affected. For these companies, starting from the financial year 2025:

  • The proportion of revenue from activities meeting the Taxonomy criteria must be disclosed within the non-financial statement
  • Investments (Capex) and expenditures (Opex) in or for activities meeting the Taxonomy criteria should be disclosed.


The path to fulfilling EU Taxonomy disclosure obligations


Capture of your economic activities

We assist you in capturing your economic activities, to then assign them to the corresponding catalogues of the Taxonomy regulations and to be able to assess their taxonomy capability.




Taxonomy capability

We assess whether your economic activity makes a substantial contribution to one or more of the six environmental objectives of the Environmental Taxonomy Regulation and is therefore taxonomy-capable.




Taxonomy compliance

In the third step, the focus is on whether the economic activity does not cause significant harm ('do no significant harm') to one or more of the other environmental objectives (Art. 17 of the Environmental Taxonomy Regulation). In the final sub-step, we analyze the economic activity for compliance with specific minimum safeguards for taxonomy compliance.




Taxonomy quotas

We assist you in determining the shares of economic activity in revenue, CapEx, and OpEx, as well as in completing the forms and publishing them in your report.



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